
the missing dog

the missing dog
Aug 07, 2021

so this was like a saturday morning i was just sittin at home havin coffee still in my slippers and pajamas when i hear this loud knock at the door i open it and it’s my neighbor she’s all flustered and says “max got out can you help me find him” now max is her golden retriever this big fluffy thing who loves everyone and everything but apparently not fences so there i am in my slippers and pj’s running around the neighborhood yellin “max” like a crazy person after like 10 minutes i spot him in the park just chillin under a tree waggin his tail like he hasn’t caused all this chaos i call him but of course he doesn’t come so i try to get closer and then he bolts just takes off i’m chasin him around the park and i swear people were lookin at me like i was nuts finally this kid with a soccer ball runs up calls max’s name and the dog just trots right over like they’re best friends the kid helps me bring max back home and my neighbor’s like “oh my god thank you so much” she tries to give me cookies as a thank you but i’m like “just keep the fence fixed” now every time i see max he comes over waggin his tail and i’m like “you’re lucky you’re cute”

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