
Taxi trouble

Taxi trouble
Feb 26, 2023

so, it was last year, late at night, an i was tryin to get home after a long day. i called a taxi, and when it showed up, the driver was already lookin annoyed. i got in, gave him my address, and off we went.
everything was fine till we hit a red light. the driver suddenly starts yellin at someone on his phone. i don’t know what they were arguin about, but man, it was heated. i’m sittin there awkwardly, tryin not to make eye contact.
next thing i know, he throws his phone down and yells, that’s it, i quit!
then he pulls the car over, looks at me, and says, you drive.
i thought he was jokin, but nope. he gets out, tosses me the keys, and just walks off into the night.
so there i am, sittin in a taxi i don’t own, with no idea what to do. i ended up callin another taxi to pick me up. i left the first one parked by the side of the road.
craziest ride of my life.

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