
Single Girl Diana



ID: 24513

Age: 34

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Trust level 75%

Diana's Photos

  • Residence:Moscow, Slavic Country
  • Height:5'6''-5'7'' (166-170 cm)
  • Weight:50kg-55kg (110-121 lbs)
  • Eye color:Grey
  • Hair color:Light brown
  • Body type:Slim
  • Ethnicity:Caucasian
  • Religion:Christian
  • Education:Higher education
  • Profession:Other
  • Marital status:Single
  • Children:1
  • Smoke:No
  • Drink:No
  • Hobbies:dancing
  • Zodiac sign:Gemini
  • Looking for age:30 - 60
  • Ukrainian:Fluent
  • English:Basic

Aim of acquaintance

Romance, Relationship, Marriage, Friendship

About myself

I would say that I`m all like the other Russian ladies on this site, but I differ with only one thing… I do not know how to lie! I don`t know how to lie and pretend, which is why I`m used to be a very straight lady. I hate lies and people that try to fool me, because I actually never understood what is the need for it! Yes – to get something you want, obviously. But that anyway all the lies someday will be reviled so what`s the point? We try to make a good impression, but all we do is hurting people, so my life slogan is tell to the truth no matter what!!!! They say “world - theater, and people in it – actors” and I wonder why not so many people like to play themselves in it?

About my partner

He`s perfect! :) Well sure there`s nobody perfect, but he is perfect for me! He`s very charming and funny. And it`s not even about his charm or beauty – the thing is about his soul, pure and true! He`s not flattering, but telling the truth. He never tries to seem better or to be someone else, but tries to be better by self improving. He is not just a wife finder, but he`s an actor who came here and plays himself in this big worldwide play!