
I began to look for fate on dating sites...

I began to look for fate on dating sites...

A surprise date After my wife passed away after a serious illness at a young age, and I was left alone with two teenage daughters, I already thought that I will never love anyone again. I realized that two daughters I can not bring up alone. I began to look for fate on dating sites. there were a lot of girls. different stories and situations were. and I could not find the woman who could become a mom to the girls! On this site I met a beautiful woman from Kharkov, who moved with her daughter because of the war in Poland, we corresponded for a long time, shared stories and jokes.  In the end we decided to meet in Warsaw and had a date in a quest room together with the kids. Why not take a chance?  It was fun and unexpected! We laughed while solving the puzzles and had a great time. It was so family-oriented. like we've known each other for a thousand years. The girls got along great. Her daughter is 3 years younger...but there were no problems. After the quest we went to eat McDonald's and walk). like a real family on the weekend. It was such a warm moment. we all felt it and did not want to part. Right after this date we started to plan everything together...there are of course many difficult moments...with documents, schools, colleges...and so on...but our love...atmosphere and support inspires us so much that we are not even afraid to go through these moments together.

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